Middle & High School Parents: My apologies for the early morning call but I need to clarify that this mornings report in the Herald incorrectly states that today is locker clean out for grades 7 thru 11. Those days are scheduled for next week as per my letter from yesterday.
over 4 years ago, Michael Calla
Please be reminded that Kindergarten Registration for the 2020-21 school year is being held Wednesday thru Friday, May 20, 21 and 22 at the 3 elementary schools. Parents should register at the building that their child will be attending. Hours are daily from 9 am until 2 pm.
almost 5 years ago, Michael Calla
As we head into the final weeks of the "school year," please check out this information from the National Principals Association to keep your children healthy both physically and emotionally. Use this link: https://5il.co/g7w1
almost 5 years ago, Michael Calla
Set your alarm to watch the Today Show tomorrow between 7:30 and 8:30 am as the Stanek Family will be part of the virtual audience. Today will be featuring Sharon senior Justin Stanek, President of the Class of 2020 and in the academic "top ten." #SharonStrong
almost 5 years ago, Michael Calla
It’s not too late to respond to the 2020 Census while being safe and practicing social distancing at home. Once you have responded, please encourage your family, friends, and loved ones to complete the census, too. 2020census.gov
almost 5 years ago, Michael Calla
We are asking that Sharon parents access our District website or phone app for important information regarding returning your child's completed work packets. The first packet return will be held on Wednesday and Thursday this week. Please review our sites for this information.
almost 5 years ago, Michael Calla
Check out the new guidance webpage with up-to-date information from Mrs. Roys, Mrs. Anderson, and Mrs. Hammond. Webpage Link: https://sites.google.com/sharonsd.org/elementary-guidance/home
almost 5 years ago, Dave Tomko
Congratulations to Sharon High Seniors Ja'Mia Jackson and Allie McMahon on being awarded the Mercer County Community Federal Credit Union continuing education awards. Ja'Mia received a $1,000 award and Allie a $500 award.
almost 5 years ago, Michael Calla
Parents of Sharon City School District students please be informed that there is a one week extension for the completion of work in materials packets and/or online through Friday, May 1. New packets and online postings will begin on Monday, May 4, 2020. Thank you and stay safe!
almost 5 years ago, Michael Calla
Show Your Support for our Senior Class! Sharon City School District will be lighting up Tiger Stadium and the scoreboard to support our Senior Class on May 4, 2020 at 8:20 PM. We will keep the lights and score board on for 20 minutes and 20 seconds. We are asking that everyone in the Sharon community to put their porch lights on at this time in support of the Class of 2020. We would like to invite all Mercer County Schools and communities to do the same on May 4th. Good luck to all of our Seniors! WE are SHARON PROUD!
almost 5 years ago, Michael Calla
The 2020 Census is more than a population count. It's an opportunity to shape the future of our community. Census results have an impact on planning and funding for health clinics, fire departments, disaster response, education programs, and so much more. Complete yours today!
almost 5 years ago, Michael Calla
Good morning to our Sharon Schools family. Please be aware that Governor Wolf has ordered the closure of all schools for the remainder of the school year due to the ongoing COVID 19 pandemic. As additional information is received regarding we will update our website.
almost 5 years ago, Michael Calla
The Cape May, New Jersey Zoo is hosting online virtual field trips and lessons as we work through our COVID 19 shut down. This week's adventure involves Red Pandas and Tamarins! Enjoy and stay safe: https://nj-capemaycounty.civicplus.com/1400/Virtual-Zoo-School
almost 5 years ago, Michael Calla
Adults are vital for ensuring children continue to thrive during these tough times. Share your thoughts to help ensure resources are accessible where they will do the most good by taking the Family Strengths survey at: https://www.pediatrics.pitt.edu/family-strengths-survey
almost 5 years ago, Michael Calla
Please note that the closure of all Pennsylvania schools has been extended "until further notice.". Also be reminded that student instructional packets were distributed on Thursday & Friday and completed packets should be kept at home until students return to school.
almost 5 years ago, Michael Calla
The Sharon Schools has cancelled the following April committee mtgs: Safety, Policy, Athletic, & Education. The Work Session has been rescheduled for April 20 at 7pm followed by the Board meeting. Information regarding remote access will be available at www.sharonsd.org soon.
almost 5 years ago, Michael Calla
Parents: If you are struggling in assisting your children with their at home packets you may want to check out this great resource. It will provide video assistance to you and your child(ren) as you navigate the world of work from home. www.khanacademy.org
almost 5 years ago, Michael Calla
If you are out of work and without pay due to the COVID-19 mandatory shutdowns you may be eligible for food assistance. The Community Food Warehouse of Mercer County can assist you. Please use the contact information that follows for help. Monday-Friday from 7:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. at 724-981-0353. The Warehouse will connect you to the nearest pantry or emergency food pantry, and can also refer you to free meals in your area.
almost 5 years ago, Michael Calla
Sharon parents: Please visit the district website for a memo with updated information regarding the current school shutdown. Also, please be reminded that lunch is being served to all children ages 18 and under at each elementary school from 11 AM to 1 pm. There is no charge.
almost 5 years ago, Michael Calla
The Sharon City School District will be providing meals to students during the Coronavirus closure. Beginning Wednesday, March 18, brown-bagged lunch and a supplemental breakfast will be available to any Sharon resident age 18 and younger that needs it. Meals can be picked up at the sites listed below Monday - Friday from 11:00 AM -1:00 PM. We ask families to follow the signs for entry into the buildings. Students must be present and may pick up only a single meal daily. No meals may be eaten on site. Also, no adult meals may be purchased at this time. School Sites: Case Avenue Elementary: Lower drive (traffic loop off of Case Avenue) C. M. Musser Elementary: Cafeteria doors on Leslie Street side. West Hill Elementary: Main building entrance
almost 5 years ago, Michael Calla