Sharon Tiger Stadium Update: On Friday evening during the Varsity football game, the stadium experienced a power phase loss from a damaged transformer on North Myers Avenue. Penn Power was notified and fixed the issue. There was no issue or malfunction with the stadium’s Musco Lighting system. This unfortunate incident was beyond the District’s control. We are sorry for the impact it had on our students, families, guests from Warren Area HS and spectators.

Meet the Tigers is scheduled for Tuesday, August 23, 2022 at 7:00 pm at Sharon Tiger Stadium! See you there!

The Sharon City School District has two (2) immediate openings for 12-Month Custodians. Starting salary $31,262 with excellent health benefits, retirement, and paid time off. Open positions are afternoon shift (2:30 pm-11:00 pm) with daytime hours when school is not in session. Applicants must have current (less than 1 year old) Act 34, 114, and 151 clearances and Act 126 Mandated Reporter Training Certificate and pass a pre-employment physical/TB test/drug screening. Complete job posting and clearance/application information can be found on the District website at www.sharonsd.org under Employment Opportunities. Submit application and/or resume and required documents to: Custodian Application, Superintendent’s Office, 215 Forker Boulevard, Sharon, PA 16146. Application deadline: August 3, 2022.

We are in need of 2-3 students, staff, parents, and community members to serve on the District's Comprehensive Plan Steering Committee. The first meeting is scheduled for May 18, 2022 from 5:30 - 6:30 PM at the Educational Service Center, 215 Forker Blvd. We anticipate having two additional meetings before July 11th.
Please complete the form posted to the NEWS section on our website by Monday, May 16th if you are interested in serving on the School District's Comprehensive Plan Steering Committee.

The Community Food Warehouse's MYRON'S MEAL MOBILE will be at C.M. Musser Elementary School from 12:00-1:30 pm every Monday beginning June 13 - August 15, 2022 with free lunches for all families.

Due to the possibility of ice and snow causing hazardous conditions through tomorrow, we will again be implementing our Flexible Instructional Day (FID) Plan. All students will participate in instruction from home on Friday, 2/4, and all school buildings will be closed. Students are to log into their Google classrooms and complete classwork during the regularly scheduled school day. Information regarding FID procedures was sent home with students previously and can be found on the homepage of the District website www.sharonsd.org. All extracurricular activities for 2/4 are still scheduled and no activities will begin prior to 3 PM. Again, all students will participate in instruction from home on 2/4, and all school buildings will be closed.

Due to the possibility of ice and snow causing hazardous conditions through tomorrow, we will be implementing our Flexible Instructional Day (FID) Plan. All students will participate in instruction from home on Thursday, February 3, and all school buildings will be closed. Students are to log into their Google classrooms and complete classwork during the regularly scheduled school day. Information regarding FID procedures was sent home with students previously and can be found on the homepage of the District website www.sharonsd.org. If your child was absent from school today, materials for the FID can be picked up in the school offices until 4 PM today. All extracurricular activities for 2/3 are still scheduled and no activities will begin prior to 3 PM. Again, all students will participate in instruction from home on Thursday, February 3, and all school buildings will be closed.

Due to weather related issues, all Sharon City Schools will operate on a two hour delay tomorrow, January 21st. Students are to report to school two hours after the regularly scheduled start time. This delay does not effect the schedule for the Case Ave. Elementary Virtual Learning day scheduled for tomorrow.

Sharon High School Choir is proud to be part of Carols & Choirs at the Casino that will be held outdoors at the Buhl Park Casino on Saturday, December 4, 2021 starting at 5:30 pm.

ATTENTION!! Learn to Swim classes are canceled this week (10/19-10/23/21).

Learn to Swim classes are canceled this week (10/19-10/23/21). Classes will resume next week.

This school year, the District's Special Education Department is going through the cyclical monitoring process. This occurs every 6 years. Parent surveys are part of the monitoring process. If you have a child with an IEP in Sharon Schools, please go to http://apps.leaderservices.com/ParentSurvey to complete the survey. Your participation in the survey is completely anonymous and very much appreciated.

Parent-Teacher Conferences will be held on Tuesday, September 21, 2021 from 5:00 pm - 6:30 pm at each of our elementary schools. All parent-teacher conferences must be scheduled in advance through your child's teacher.
Please look for conference sign-ups from your child's homeroom teacher in the near future.

Governor Wolf announced today that masks are mandated in all Pennsylvania K-12 schools by order of the Pennsylvania Department of Health. As a result, starting tomorrow morning, the Sharon City School District will require all students, teachers and staff to wear masks when inside District buildings. Our goal is to protect our students and staff and keep our students in the classroom. Again, beginning tomorrow, all staff and students are required to wear a mask in school. Thank you for your continued cooperation and support while we navigate through this pandemic.

Sharon City Cyber Academy Orientation
Wednesday, August 25, 2021 (Case Avenue Elementary School Library)
10:00 am - K-Grade 2
11:30 am - Grades 3-5
Thursday, August 26, 2021 (Sharon High School Cafeteria)
4:00 pm - Grades 6-8
5:00 pm - Grades 9-12

Join us on Wednesday, August 25 at 7:00 pm for Meet the Tigers!

Dear Sharon Community my name is Bill Gathers and it is both an honor and a privilege to serve as the interim superintendent for the Sharon City School District upon the retirement of Mr. Calla. Having grown up here and being a proud graduate of SHS, this is a community that I have always held close to my heart. I thank the Sharon City School Board for entrusting me with the important role of leading our cherished school district. As the interim, my main goal is to work collaboratively, efficiently, and effectively with all the administration, faculty, and staff to continue to ensure that our students receive the very best education and to provide a smooth transition as the School Board conducts the important work of searching for a permanent superintendent.
There is no doubt that the last two school years have been very challenging for all educators, students, and families as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, however, we are anticipating returning to the classroom for the start of school on August 30, 2021 with masks being optional at this time. Although there will be no virtual component of the daily classroom, we have available an at-home cyber selection in the form of the Sharon Cyber Academy should parents wish to avail themselves of this option. Please note that either choice provides a pathway to a Sharon High School Diploma.
I know that most students and parents are eager to return to school with a fresh start, however, we must continue to monitor conditions both within our state, county, and community and be ready to adjust to various mandates and recommendations from the CDC, the Department of Health, and the Commonwealth should conditions worsen. We will also be continuing the cleaning protocols, the entry monitoring, and the social distancing of 3 feet for the health and safety of all.
I look forward to meeting all the faculty, staff, students, and parents in the next few months and wish everyone a successful start to the 2021-22 school year here within the Sharon City School District.
William D. Gathers, Ed. D.
Interim Superintendent

All District schools will be open beginning on Monday, August 9, 2021. New students may be registered at the schools from 8:30 am to 2:30 pm. To register, you must bring the child(s) birth certificate, Social Security card, and immunization record. You must also provide proof of residency. If you have any questions, please contact the school.

Please join us on Friday, July 30 at 2:00 pm as the Tiger Kittens/Men of Note perform their summer program in the auditorium of Sharon High School. If you plan to attend, please park and enter through the Forker Boulevard doors. We hope to see you there!

The Sharon Tiger Athletic Department is proud announce that our 2020-21 Girl's Softball and Girl's Track/Field teams are well represented on this year's D10 All-Region teams. The following student-athletes have earned All-Region honors: Softball Region 4: Iresha Norris 1B (second team); Katie Krecek OF (second team).
Track and Field: Gianna Labbiento (Runner of the Year, first team 800 and 1600), Natalie Osthiemer (first team 3200), 3200 Relay Team (first team - Abby Douglas, Megan Messina, Labbiento and Osthiemer). Natalie Osthiemer (second team 1600).
Congratulations to all of our student-athletes and to coach Divens and all of our Tiger coaches and players.