We need your help. There are only a few days remaining before the 2021 state budget is finalized, and despite a $3 billion surplus in state funding, we’re hearing that there is currently no plan for either a massive increase in education spending or an equity supplement for the most dramatically underfunded districts in Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania’s students can’t afford to go another year without anywhere close to the resources they need to access equal educational opportunities. The most underfunded districts serve a disproportionate share of the Commonwealth’s students of color, students living in poverty, students with disabilities, and English learners. And modest increases in basic education funding to all 500 districts won’t bring these districts anywhere close to adequacy for generations. But it’s not too late. If we band together to demand relief for the districts with the fewest resources to meet their students’ needs, we can make sure lawmakers give every child in Pennsylvania a chance to succeed. That’s why we’re calling for a $100 million Level Up supplement fund to accelerate resources through the Basic Education Funding Formula to the 100 most underfunded school districts in the Commonwealth. Please take five minutes today to call Governor Wolf and your state legislators and tell them you support leveling up Pennsylvania’s most underfunded districts. Together we can make a difference for Pennsylvania’s students!
over 3 years ago, Michael Calla
The Sharon City School District is looking to fill the following positions: Part-time Dental Hygienist Boys Varsity Soccer Head Coach CoED Middle School Soccer Coach Contact the Superintendent's office at 724-983-4000 for additional information.
over 3 years ago, Michael Calla
Good morning from the Sharon City School District. As we end this wild and crazy school please accept our heartfelt thank you for sharing your children with us! We also want to remind our families once again, to make sure that all District owned Chromebooks, chargers and hot spots have been returned by noon tomorrow to your child's building. If all equipment is not returned, the family will be subject to any and all costs related to their collection. Have a safe and wonderful summer!
over 3 years ago, Michael Calla
The Sharon City School District takes great offense at the article published in this morning's edition as it seeks to sensationalize what could have been a serious situation in an attempt to sell newspapers. As our stakeholders were informed Tuesday afternoon, the Middle/High School received a threatening phone call in the afternoon. The District immediately implemented it's crisis plan and immediately involved the Sharon Police Department, as is our protocol. Thankfully, the threat was unfounded. The Herald, instead, has chosen to slant their article to insinuate that District protocols were not followed. Parents are informed as soon as accurate information is available. There were many rumors on-line and sent via phone and text in the early stages of this event and to notify families without accurate information would be unethical. In addition, as an ongoing police matter, much of the information can not be released until cleared by the investigators. Finally, to notify parents and the community before we have accurate information leads to panic and to individuals coming on to the site of the schools which can take Police and School Personnel away from the students and staff, who are our first priority in any crisis situation. I encourage the Sharon community, including businesses and individuals, to let the Herald know we demand better!
over 3 years ago, Michael Calla
Good afternoon, This is a message from Michael Calla, Superintendent of Sharon Schools. This afternoon the Sharon Middle/High School received a phone call that threatened violence against the school. The building, along with Case Avenue, C. M. Musser and West Hill Elementary were immediately put on lock down. The Sharon Police Department responded to the threat with full force and ensured the safety of all students and staff. Both the District and Police take all such threats seriously and will continue to work with the Police Department to determine the individual or individuals who chose to threaten the schools and will prosecute to the fullest extent of the law. I want to thank the Sharon Police department, the Sharon City School District administrative team and staff who handled this situation effectively and appropriately.
over 3 years ago, Michael Calla
Sharon Parents: The Walberg Family Pharmacy will be hosting a Pfizer COVID Vaccination Clinic for adolescents ages 12 years and older at the Passavant Center at Thiel College on Tuesday 6/1/2021 from 3:00pm-7:00pm. Here’s the link for patients to self-register: https://hipaa.jotform.com/211374570290149
over 3 years ago, Michael Calla
The PA Association of Intermediate Units and Penn State Extension have teamed up to conduct a survey regarding the need for internet services in our families and community . This survey can be found at https://tinyurl.com/broadbandsurveypa The survey data will help local agencies apply for federal funding for increased internet services.
over 3 years ago, Michael Calla
Sharon High School's Boy's Baseball and Girl's Softball teams have qualified for the District 10 playoff tournaments. The Boys will play Franklin High at Slippery Rock University on Monday, May 24, 2021, beginning at 6:30 PM. The Girls will play Fairview High on Tuesday, May 25, 2021 at Allegheny College in Meadville PA beginning at 4 PM. Tickets can be purchased at https://gofan.co/app/school/PA72573
over 3 years ago, Michael Calla
Please note the following REVISION: Sharon Girls Softball Thursday May 20th, 4 pm- at Wengler Field Reynolds vs Sharon This well be the Senior Recognition game. The event scheduled for Saturday, May 22 has been cancelled.
almost 4 years ago, Michael Calla
From the Sharon Middle/High School Athletic Department: Please note that tickets for all D-10 championship events including, Saturday's Track & Field Meet at SRU are available at https://gofan.co/app/school/PA72573
almost 4 years ago, Michael Calla
From the Sharon Middle/High School Athletic Department. The girls softball game scheduled for Thursday, May 20 vs. Oil City has been canceled. Senior Day activities will now be held on Saturday, May 22nd at 12 noon at Wengler Field.
almost 4 years ago, Michael Calla
The Sharon Middle/High Athletic Department has released revised sports scheduled for the Middle and High School spring athletic teams for dates beginning on May 19, 2021 through May 22, 2021. Wednesday, May 19th Boys Baseball - Senior Day, at Jefferson Field vs Grove City- 4 pm Wednesday, May 19th Girls Softball at Wengler Field vs. Hickory-4pm Thursday, May 20th Girls Softball- Senior Day, at Wengler Field vs. Oil City-4pm Saturday, May 22 D 10 Track at Slippery Rock University- 10am
almost 4 years ago, Michael Calla
The Commonwealth has released information for families who are interested in receiving Pandemic Electronic Benefit Transfers (P-EBT) during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. These resources are available to families who have student in the Sharon school and who qualify for EBT benefits. If you have questions about the P-EBT program you can view and informational video at https://youtu.be/JI2Ox6QNvNs or call the DHS Customer Service Line at 1-484-363-2137
almost 4 years ago, Michael Calla
Please join our Band and Orchestra as they present their spring concert, outdoors, at Buhl Park this evening at 6:00 pm. Benches are available but chairs and blankets are also welcome!
almost 4 years ago, Michael Calla
Sharon families are reminded that the Emergency Broadband Benefit (EBB) program, which will provide free Internet to low-income families during the COVID emergency, will begin accepting enrollments on Wednesday, May 12, 2021; For more information and links to all of the program forms please access this link: https://5il.co/seis
almost 4 years ago, Michael Calla
The Sharon Middle/High Athletic Department has released revised sports scheduled for the Middle and High School spring athletic teams for dates beginning on May 5, 2021 through May 8, 2021. To access this schedule please click the following link: https://5il.co/sb1d Note that these schedules are dependent on weather.
almost 4 years ago, Michael Calla
The Sharon Middle/High Athletic Department has released revised sports scheduled for the Middle and High School spring athletic teams for dates beginning on April 28, 2021 through May 1, 2021. To access this schedule please click the following link: https://5il.co/rxoz
almost 4 years ago, Michael Calla
With the recent uptick in COVID-19 cases among younger individuals we want to share the following link which offers the COVID-19 vaccine to students 16 and older (with parental permission of course). Click this link for more information: https://5il.co/rtk7 The District is also working to schedule an on-site vaccination clinic for students (and family members) in the near future...more information to come.
almost 4 years ago, Michael Calla
The Sharon City School District is accepting applications from Sharon residents, age 18 or older, wishing to be considered to fill the Board position that is currently vacant. Interested parties may obtain an application form at the Office of the Superintendent, 215 Forker Boulevard, Sharon, PA 16146. The form is also available on the District’s website at www.sharonsd.org under the EXPLORE tab. Applications must be received by 4:00pm on Wednesday, April 28, 2021.
almost 4 years ago, Michael Calla
The Sharon Tiger's 2020-21 wrestling team is proud to be represented on this year's D10 All-Region teams. First team Region 1 honors were awarded to Sophomore Mike Mazurek (285lb). Second team Region 1 honors were awarded to Sharon Seniors Seth Evans (152), Nick Dignall (172lb) and Aidan Buck (189). Congratulations our student-athletes and to coach Ciafre and all of our Tiger coaches and wrestlers.
almost 4 years ago, Michael Calla